BE USED TO & GET USED TO BE USED TO & GET USED TO Aşağıdaki paragrafta verilen boşlukları be veya be get ile doldurunuz. Durumun bir alışkanlık mı yoksa bir adaptasyon süreci mi olduğunu düşünerek karar verin. He used to the cold weather after moving to Canada. This shows that he is still in the process of adapting to the new climate. On the other hand, she used to driving long distances every weekend, indicating that it is something she has already adapted to. Similarly, I used to eating spicy food now, but it was hard at first. They used to working late hours as part of their new project, which suggests they are still adjusting to this change. Lastly, we used to having online meetings; it’s our new routine. 1 out of 1 Time's up &s tarafından.|2025-01-12T13:46:28+03:00Ocak 12, 2025|Yorum yok Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookXRedditLinkedInWhatsAppTelegramTumblrPinterestVkXingE-posta About the Author: Enwa Dil Akademi Siz de fikrinizi belirtin Yanıtı iptal etYorum
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