FUTURE SIMPLE & PERFECT QUIZ FUTURE SIMPLE & PERFECT QUIZ Boşlukları future simple veya future perfect ile doldurunuz. By this time next year, I (graduate) from university, and I (start) looking for a job. I am sure I (find) a good job because I (work) hard during my studies. My parents (be) very proud of me. Before I get a job, I (take) a short break to relax and recharge. By the time I start working, I (save) enough money for a small vacation. It (be) an exciting year ahead! 1 out of 1 Time's up &s tarafından.|2025-01-17T14:01:30+03:00Ocak 17, 2025|Yorum yok Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookXRedditLinkedInWhatsAppTelegramTumblrPinterestVkXingE-posta About the Author: Enwa Dil Akademi Siz de fikrinizi belirtin Yanıtı iptal etYorum
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