Pay, Spend ve Cost Quizi Pay, Spend ve Cost Quizi I need to ______ my electricity bill before the due date. Spend Cost Pay None How much does this phone ______? It's quite expensive. Spend Cost Pay None She likes to ______ her weekends reading books and watching movies. Spend Cost Pay None We had to ______ a lot of money on our vacation last summer. Spend Cost Pay None This restaurant is great, but it will ______ you at least $50 for a meal. Spend Cost Pay None 1 out of 5 Time's up &s tarafından.|2025-01-24T11:27:08+03:00Ocak 24, 2025|Yorum yok Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookXRedditLinkedInWhatsAppTelegramTumblrPinterestVkXingE-posta About the Author: Enwa Dil Akademi Siz de fikrinizi belirtin Yanıtı iptal etYorum
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